Serving God shouldn't be complicated

Serving God shouldn’t be as complicated as we make it. Seminars and conventions and books upon books of leadership skills can bombard and distract us as disciples if we aren’t careful. 
Jesus was the Perfect example of a Servant. The Bible actually refers to Him as The Suffering Servant. Why do we look all over the place for examples of what to do and how to do it, when The Word of God lays it all out simply?
Jesus sat with The Father then He served. Then He sat with The Father then He served. 
You say, “Well, Mo, He was Jesus, He could do anything He wanted to, He didn’t have all these church members driving Him nuts with their agendas…. 
I would say, “Ummm… yes He did.”
This scripture Mark 1:32-38 shows that plainly. Jesus had to teach His disciples how to minister correctly by ministering correctly. He got up before dark and escaped the people and got quiet in prayer. That is just the thing we are called to do. 
Then, look what it says in vs 37. “And when they found Him, they exclaimed, “Everyone is looking for You.” 
Jesus was purposely leaving the people to spend time in prayer but the people didn’t want to respect His boundaries. The people wanted His service. 
This happens so often to true servants of Jesus if they remain addicted to people’s opinions of them. People pleasing can suck the pure love you have for people right out of you if you don’t purposely escape the people and get alone with The Father often. 
People will never get enough of your service if you do not draw healthy boundaries yourself. And, take it from a recovering people pleasing addict, you can’t do this marathon called “The ministry of reconciliation” well if you are constantly allowing the people to steal your rest in The Lord. 
You need to get alone and quiet with God often if you want to properly serve Him.  You can’t serve from an empty cup. You need Him to fill you up so you can pour out again. 
When these disciples told Him the people were looking for Him, Jesus said “Let us go somewhere else-to the nearby villages-so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” 
Jesus didn’t come to earth to cast out demons and heal the sick. He did that, yes. But, it’s not why He came. He came to draw the sinners to repentance and turn the hearts of the people to The Father. He came to rescue humanity from death and save our souls from Hell. That kind of a calling required resting in The Father’s care often. 
If Jesus needed that, who do you think you are, not taking time to sit? 
It’s a pride thing when you don’t get alone with God and just keep serving in your own n power. You can’t do it very long without Him. 
I know I never want to ever do that again. 
Rest in Him, then let Him make you a vessel fit for service.

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