What’s Your Spiritual Temperature

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By Mo Mydlo

I’ve been sick for a few weeks. Had a cold during Christmas that was no big deal, just a normal head cold, then New Year’s night I caught a flu virus.
After a couple days managing the symptoms pretty well with herbs and oils and vitamins and teas while I took ibuprofen for the aches, I stopped aching two days ago. So, I stopped taking Ibuprofen. I figured I must not be running a fever as I wasn’t aching.
I guess I still was. My temperature is tough to gauge now without hormones so I didn’t feel hot or cold. I just was. So my body began to feel nauseous from the fever I wasn’t treating. I had stomach issues for two days. It was truthfully the worst part of these couple weeks. I was tempted in the night to revisit the doc again to make sure it was just viral. It was 4 am. I began to cry out to God to please make my stomach stop hurting.
He spoke in His still small voice. “Mo, you’re not controlling your temperature.”
I hadn’t taken I ibuprofen in two days as I thought I was done fevering. But, I guess I wasn’t, because about two minutes later Tommy Mydlo rolled over and goes “Your body is on fire”.
I told him what God just showed me. Tommy got me some ibuprofen and here I am sitting up today not nauseous and controlling my body temperature.
As I sat with my coffee and a banana I asked God to forgive me for being prideful about my health and not asking Him for more guidance. I thanked Him, over and over for feeling pretty normal. He confirmed His voice to me with The Word of God. I’m reading a book about The Holy Spirit and the passage I opened up to was titled, “Your Faith Thermometer.” It was teaching on Revelation 3:15-16

“I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3:15-16‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Ya’ll, we may not always have control over some things, like getting sick or catching viruses, but we can control our spiritual temperature. Are we hot for God? Because He can’t stand when we are luke warm. He is discusted with us just spiritually surviving, He wants us thriving. He wants us shining. He wants us salty. He wants us to speak what He tells us to speak, do what He tells us to do, be who He tells us to be. And, He wants us burning up with love for Him and His plans for us.
Anything less, and we are missing all God has for us.
I was missing out on two days of feeling well. I was making myself sick by not controlling my temperature in my body. I sure don’t want to do that spiritually. So, that’s why I share. I want to burn up spiritually for Him. No desire for lukewarm here. How about you?
This is not a post about a virus. God is healing me. I’m sharing to ask, “Are you hot or cold?” Because our spiritual temperature is way…. more important than our body temperature here. Viruses come and go here on Earth, but eternity is a long time.
Let’s burn up in love for Him.

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