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He makes us new each day

By Mo Mydlo

Yesterday was two weeks since I had major surgery. I had a complete hysterectomy. I am grateful for modern medicine probably more today than ever in my life. But, I am realizing more today than ever how hard true compassion is.

I don’t believe true compassion is in our nature. It must be built in us, through trials.

Here’s the truth. I’ve been in ministry for over 20 years. A lot of the “do”ing ministry. I’ve been front lines in disaster relief, and hard, physical labor service. I’ve tried my hardest to run to those that are hurting with some sort of “help” to show Christ’s love.

For the first time truthfully; in almost 25 years of service, God has completely stripped me of any help I can provide in the natural. To say I am struggling with control issues is a huge understatement.

I have deep desires to throw on a work shirt and get dirty for Jesus but I’m physically unable, which is making me emotionally frustrated.

Then this morning, I realized what God is doing. He’s making me a better servant.

I truthfully never understood before why everyone didn’t pick up their hammer and follow Jesus to the work site. After all, that’s where the work is getting done right?

But, true compassion has very little to do with the task list and so much more to do with a heart to see where people are coming from.

I thought if only the chores get done here at the farm and in the ministry while I heal I’ll be fine. I’ll just suck it up, spend a ton of time in the Word and write another book. But, the truth is when you’re dealing with some sort of physical struggle, no matter the size, how people respond to you means way more than if your bed is getting made and the floor is vacuumed.

Never before have I had so much compassion for those with special needs. Never before have I praised God that my mama never has arthritic pain anymore as she’s in Heaven. Never before have I realized what a true soldier in The Lord’s army my sister Char is. And, I thought I was proud to be her sister before. Never before have I been on the outside looking in at all the action so much.

I am truthfully so thankful today for an inability to just run downstairs and grab the laundry. It has made me pray more for those who can’t do stairs at all.

True compassion can’t be taught at seminary, it’s taught through frustration and trials.

I love….. that Unforsaken Treasures gives volunteers of every age a place to serve at their own ability. As long as I am leading this ministry that will be. We are built to serve no matter what ability level we find ourselves in.

I guess this is my way of saying I thank God for this time in the fire with Him. I pray it makes me better equipped to serve from a true place of compassion.

He makes us new each day.

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