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Mo Mydlo, Author

Mo Mydlo is a nationally published author, TV personality, speaker, and non-profit founder. Her book Overcoming Anxiety: Your Biblical Guide to Breaking Free from Fear and Worry was released by Charisma Media in October of 2015 and was also made into a 7-Day Bible study plan on the YouVersion Bible app with over 100,000 completions. Her newest Bible study curriculum on the Book of Joshua titled “Unforsaken: A Walk with Joshua Into Your Promised Land” is now available for churches and women’s groups to incorporate into their bible study programming to help women break free of sin and spiritual bondage.


Mo has several books available through this website store as well as on Amazon.  Her latest Book is "Hot Mess". Here is a summary of the book: 


If we are being honest, we all feel like a hot mess sometimes. I can only imagine how often the Apostle Peter felt this way. Peter was a hot-headed fisherman that Jesus made into a Fisher of Men. Peter was blessed to be in Jesus' inner circle of friends. He witnessed The Transfiguration, walked on water, and was even called "a rock" by Jesus. Though Peter did a lot of things right, he also made a lot of dumb choices. Sound familiar? We're all just like Peter in many ways. Good thing Jesus seems to love a hot mess.

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